
Looking for the best Adoption Agency to use for Guatemala adoptions?

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Additional Information: I live in Florida and am single, so I would like to use an adoption agency that works well from Florida and has their home study here also if possible.




  1. There are many agencies in the US that have Guatemalan programs. Check out the site below for reviews of both Florida adoption agencies and ones from other states that specialize in Guatemala.

    For additional information on adopting from Guatemala, the second website has lots of information on the process, political environment, and some agency info,as well.

  2. The adoption agency we used does Guatemala adoptions also.  They are in PA & NJ, and possibly some other states.  I'm sure if you contacted them, they could at least refer you to another reputable agency if they cannot help you directly.  We used Adoptions From the Heart.

    Friends of ours adopted one child from Guatemala and are in the process of adopting their 2nd child from their as well (using this agency).

    Good luck to you!

  3. The only one I can recommend is .  They handle adoptions from China (where we intend to adopt from) as well as Guatemala.

    CWA is located in South Carolina, however they can assist you in your adoption process even though you live in Florida.  You will simply use a licensed homestudy agent in Florida to complete that portion of your adoption process (usually a social worker).  Visit their website to learn more.

    You can also do an internet search for "Guatemala adoption" and find links to various agencies.  Add the name of your state in the parentheses, also, to narrow the results down further (although it does not matter if the agency is in your state or not).

    Visit for more information.

    There are also many groups available ( is one site to find them) for people who have completed, or are in the process of, adoptions from Guatemala.  They may be able to recommend an agency based on their experience (something I can not personally do, of course, as I have not adopted from Guatemala).

    Good luck!  I hope you find the information you are seeking, and I wish you much happiness with your adoption and child!

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