
Looking for the name of a book, just watched zeitgeist for the first time...?

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I've just watched the movie zeitgeist and I am curious what you think of the movie. If you haven't seen it you can find it here

Someone was telling about a book that focuses on religious jesus figures that pop up in different relgions and times throughout history, shorta like the movie pointed out... Does anyone know the name/aurthor of this book?




  1. I don't know if everything in that movie was true or not, and I'm not stupid enough to either take it at face value or disbelieve it because it differs from what I've been taught.  I know there are points in it that are backed up by research I did on my own prior to seeing the movie (like the thing about education.  Go to and read the article called "the child is always right.")  It certainly gave me something to think about though.  

    But I already had a bumper sticker that said "Disband the Federal Reserve" and another that said "Liberty or Death" along with a license plate frame that reads "Who Is John Galt?"

  2. I like that movie.

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