
Looking for the perfect, delicious diet for my two mice...?

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This is what I do now:

2 Tbsp Sun Seed VIta Plus

2 Kaytee Forti-Diet Pellets


Wood Chews, some small some big

1-2" Square of stale bread or unsalted cracker

Treat Dish:

1 or 2 Yogies

A few extra sun flower seeds

Some peanut butter

A little cream cheese

Anything new, anything bad, any tips, thanks!

They are two fancy partially satin mice.




  1. add some uncooked pinto beans and some peas. Also some scrambled egg, and granola clusters. Mine love it!

  2. Kaytee is a terrible quality food. They put a dangerous preservative known as ethoxqyuin in their diets. Sun Seed isn't a great food either. Careful with peanut butter as it's a choking hazard. Cut it with water or jam first.

    I'd recommend Suebee's mix:

    It works for rats and mice. Just be sure to supplement it with a lot of variety and fresh foods. They should get a variety of veggies daily and fruits once or twice a week (since they are high in sugar).

  3. cut out the cream cheese. They need fruit too.

  4. You might notice your mice getting a little chubby soon.

    I'd recommend the base of their diet being a high-quality lab block. I like Harlan Teklad, but you'll have to order those online:

    If you're limited to what you find in pet stores, Mazuri blocks are a little better than those Kaytee ones.

    I also wouldn't recommend giving them so many seeds - maybe half a teaspoon a day. The lab blocks are a complete diet, so the seeds are just a treat. Try to find a seed mix that doesn't have added sugars or preservatives.

    They can go without the Yogies, peanut butter, cream cheese, and extra sunflower seeds. Yogies are just about pure sugar and definitely "junk food." You'll want some lower-fat treats, like fruits and vegetables. Mice can have small amounts of veggies daily, but if you want to give them fattening treats, make that more of a once-a-week thing. Rather than peanut butter, most mice love whole peanuts that are still in the shell.

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