
Looking for the title of a movie made for theatres.?

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This movie is about a guy who ends up having his face changed with someone else. The other person he finds dead underwater in a wreck of some kind. I do not believe this movie has Nicholas Cage or John Travolta in it either. I saw the movie several years ago and can't remember the title. Please help.




  1. I was going to say "Face Off" but then I read that it doesn't have Nick Cage or Travolta... Sorry I don't know

  2. its called "face off"

    it does have john travolta and nicolas cage in it.

    nicolas cage is the bad guy. (my hottie nicolas cage)

    are you sure its not this movie

  3. It's called "Shattered" starring Tom Berenger.

  4. that sounds like the movie by leonardo dicaprio: Man With The Iron Mask. It's about a king who has a twin brother and decides to lock him up in a prison with a mask on. Supposedly, it's a true story.  

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