
Looking for the website/magazine name that sells military accessories?

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my friend has a subscription to this magazine that has airsoft and other cool accessories like flash lights and other stuff can anyone tell me this name?

thank you in advance




  1. bud k perhaps?..

    They have a LOT of items in their catalogs.. some of them are not even listed every time you go on the site..

    or maybe Atlanta cutlery?..

    the atlanta cutlery site is currently not working.. but it has less in the way of flashlights and such..  BudK is more likely.. they have things for every thing you can imagine.. from permenant matches (I have one from them), to martial arts weapons to historic reinactment military uniforms..     they have paint ball equipment, throwing stars, bo-staves, cantines, mess kits, WW 1 &2 collectibles..  right on to biker wear..     BudK sends catalogs about 4 times a year or more..

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