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Can somebody answer me coz I want to know were is Lattrell Sprewell right now?

Is he still playing ball?

Is there a possibility that he can comeback to the NBA?

And what team fits for him?

Thank You, I appreciate...




  1. He is owing a lot of money but I don't think he can come back with his age and without playing pro ball for so long. There is no team that will take him.

  2. his retired, a magnificent player, shooter, and slasher, last team he played for were the Wolves and he still had tremendous skills.

  3. He was actually quite a good player despite his off court problems. He could some back however his mnutes would be very limited. He actually lives in Milwaukee and when I visited my cousins there they took me to the lake and showed me his yacht. He is enjoying himself now that he is retired.

  4. he is old

  5. I thought he was funny when he told the fan to suck his ****.

  6. Feeding his family...

    He's retired.  Done.  He won't come back.

  7. Latrell Sprewell is not technically retired from the N.B.A.; he declined the contract extension that was offered by the T-Wolves (21M 3 years) and failed to get his desired amount with another NBA team (I think he was keen on moving to a contender, but no one picked him up). Can't blame a guy for believing he is worth 'X' amount of dollars....

    As spending most of the 90's and early 2000's as the leagues premiere slasher, perimeter defender and open court player, the mid 2000's saw Sprewell slow down a fair bit; his last season he logged career lows statistically. He did however help take KG to the WCF along with Sam Cassell and the rest of the Twolves, enjoying the West's best record also. He was close to making the all star squad in 03 as a 12 year vet with a 17ppg average, so although he was one of the older players he still had game late in his career.

    Since then, he walked away from the 21 million contract, infamously declaring "I have a family to feed". He later downplayed the comment, saying the media blew it out of proportion. The feeding his family joke is very much played out, and it's a shame that people are still on his case for that.

    Anyway, I have read that he'll never be back, partly because of the media and the N.B.A. as a business. His career has been filled with controversy; his last incident with the 21 million contract was the final straw as he was never groomed to be a media darling; he was very private and never sought the media spotlight, yet he had the game that demanded attention.

    I hope Spree comes back in some form, but don't count on it because A) He's 38 and his game relies on athleticism, and B) I don't think he was ever comfortable with the stardom attached to being one of the NBA's elite.

    to answer your questions specifically;

    Can somebody answer me coz I want to know were is Lattrell Sprewell right now?

    Probably in Milwaukee, New York, or L.A.

    Is he still playing ball?

    Probably, but for fun.

    Is there a possibility that he can comeback to the NBA?

    For the right amount, possibly, but I doubt it.

    And what team fits for him?

    A championship caliber team. Boston, L.A., Rockets. Those types of teams.

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