
Looking for volleyball craft ideas...?

by  |  earlier

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My roommate is a huge volleyball fan and plays regularly. I was thinking of taking one of the old volleyballs and making something out of it for his birthday coming up.

Any crazy ideas out there?





  1. cut it and then make it so you can put it over top of his head. its kinda lame but what else can you do with a fricken volleyball.

  2. you should take an old volleyball and decorate it with fun pictures of him playing volleyball or you and him or even his favorite things. Or you could do a team spirt ball and decorate with symbols that represent your school.

  3. hiar ribbions or things to tie on bags

  4. we do this all the timee.

    if he's on a teamm.

    buy a volleyball w/ the teams colorss.

    put thier logo or whateverr.

    and have the whole team sign itt.

    that way he'll allways remember themm.

    then u sign ittt.

  5. put it in a cake

    film a movie staring it

    hang it from the ceiling with a light in it

    put weights in it so he hurts himself playing actually don't do that

    paint it

    make it a hat

    give it hair

    roll it

    but i think putting it in a cake is best

  6. Lol, you can make it into a "Wilson" volleyball like the one in Castaway with Tom Hanks.

    If you're good at art you could paint something on it, or find someone else to do it, maybe a picture or symbol of something meaningful to the two of you. Or maybe the logo of his favourite volleyball team.

    Good Luck.

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