
Looking for ways to meet people online other than dating sites?

by  |  earlier

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I have reasons why I don't go out much so please don't reply by telling me I should go out more. I'm trying to find someone special using the Internet and I've never had any luck with dating sites. I don't even like dating sites to be honest as most people seem the same, or often fake. I wondered about trying a Christian dating site because although I'm not a Christian, I do hold some of the same values and someone like that might fit me well. I did try one earlier today though and they insisted I believe in God and related things before letting me join, so I didn't bother.

I've tried Facebook and have got to know a few people but nobody to be with who's local. I just don't want to be one of hundreds of guys that a woman MSN's with or sends Facebook application notices too anyway.

It's not impossible that I could go out a bit but where? Where I live it's mostly old people, with a few clubs and pubs. I don't want to meet someone in a pub or club though as, unlike most people, I don't think drinking is the answer to life. I want to find someone who enjoys nature, sunsets, walking along the beach, cuddling on the sofa, etc..

I'm not even sure what I'm asking but I guess it's if anyone knows a website that isn't like normal dating sites where I could meet the sort of person I'm looking for. Please TRY not to reply with insults and criticisms. Thank you. :)




  1. ur,

    yahoo groups, there's a pen pal website.




  2. I think social networking sites are a good way to meet new people... bebo, face book, myspace. If you find some1 on there and talk on msn, then you can eventually arrange to meet can't you. :D

  3. I understand your pain and all. BUT you're missing the big hint. Seriously. Just because you don't see any potential women in public or at pubs or at work or whatever you do. Doesn't mean the fellow people in your public vicinity don't. So what you should do, is talk to some friends you have already, or make some new friends, and meet their friends. And they might be chicks. Seriously. Just try a little harder. Don't whine about online dating or even really think about resulting to another dating site. Because they're actually all the same. I know right, it's crazy.

  4. hurray!!we're on the same team, just that i'd rather be home with a bucket of ice cream than walk on the beach. u can mail me. lets chat.

  5. Skip dating site for now- just find site were a LOT of people have similar interests but general. Say if you're worried about global warming- go to a lecture on it or a demonstration.

    Girl demonstrators are on the prowl unless lesbians- but they usually use possible TV opportunities to clearly tag themselves in pink triangles or rainbow flags.

    If Jesus is your homeboy- go to church.  Just join a forum about your interests- you will find a woman.

    If 50+ mormon guys can get three wives- you can find a date. Think positive!

  6. send me a email.

  7. Try game sites that allow you to interact with other players, their free and you get to meet a wide range of people from all different ages.'s pool is really good for me...u play and talk with people and if u get along after playing a few games they give u their msn addy and u talk properly on there, although u never can be sure if their talkin to many others but isn't that the same with dating sites and the such? I like it best because people aren't deliberately looking for anyone and their not all that desperate as some are on dating sites...u might find a more ordinary crowd (don't mean to be mean :( )

    I know what u mean about meeting people...I'm about to go to uni though so its kinda a frest start :D, ur right about pubs and clubs not being the most ideal place to meet someone..I mean, its unlikely ur going to find a long term well compatible partner if ur half cut!

    But I don't know about any special sites where ur really likely to meet someone local who you like...thats tricky, probably better to take up some hobbies or join a gym maybe :)

    Take Care

  8. Well the fact that you're being close-minded explains why you are having such a hard time.  

    You say you don't want to meet anyone in a club/pub because you don't think drinking is the answer to life.  Well only because they are in a club, that doesn't mean they believe that either.  Maybe someone is there once a month, or their first time there.  Don't assume the worst from someone because they are enjoying a beverage.

    Your assumptions on people and their "habits" are what's going to keep you alone.  You need to change that before you'll see someone for who they really are.

  9. Hi Geoff, I know exactly where you are coming from, so the  site suggested here, may be ideal for you.

    It's more of a friendship site, has members ageing from 18 to 80, has forums, e mail facilities, has meet ups and several other things.

    It's free for the basic set up, so may be worth having a look at for you.

    good luck,

    Mike t.

  10. go to irc or tagged

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