
Looking how to properly word questions for an anthropology survey on stereotypes!!! HELP!!!?

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I am writing a survey for anthropology based on stereotypes of different countries and cultures. I am aware it's a touchy subject, so I'm not sure how to word questions without offending people.

I have questions like:

Do you think special interest groups and certain minority leaders help ease tension between different cultures or make some issues even worse?

Do you agree that understanding and appreciating cultures that differ from our own is necessary in today's world?


do you agree with the stereotype of the british being extremely polite and reserved people with bad teeth?

----but i'm afraid that this will make it seem as if i am believing this stereotype i need to make it sound neutral HOW HOW HOW...?!! please help.




  1. i personally think that understanding is deffinately good. as for minority laws and all that c**p i think its c**p and it is not allowing people to move forward as a whole. i hate it when people get into that c**p like " my people were enslaved a long time ago, thats why im still stuck in the ghetto and none of its my fault". its like dude! you were never a slave! you were never treated as less than a person and looked at as property! you were born into a decent country and have all the advantages of anyone else. look at all these black men and women that are in places of power. they got there because they worked hard at it. if you want to be seen as more than a stereotipical black man, get off welfare, go get a job, mabey fill out a fasfa form and get an education and do something about it. to me  all this minority jazz is nothing but a straight up cop out. we live in a day and age where everyone wants something for nothing and playing the race card is just another means to get it. people need to get past all this politicly correct bull S**t and look at thing how they really are as a whole instead of trying to disect one little part of things until it makes no freakin sence what so ever exept to the warped minds that made the stuff up. im not saying MLK was bad or anything but he got into the race thing when it was needed for blacks to be seen as equals. that is not a really a problem anymore though. not anymore than anyone elses problems. just say in your survey how it really looked at and s***w trying to be nice about it. no matter what you say someone is going to find it offencive. you could say that you like mashed potatoes and if you say it to enough people there will be at least one of them telling you not to say that because its offencive. i dont agree with that stereotype about the british but they do have a seemingly more sophisticated speech as grammer and pronunciation go than americans. as for being afraid of what someone might think about your beliefs and misinturpet, if they assume and do not have the commen decency to ask about your intentions then fk them cuz theyre probly just content with having something to complain about and be mad about and wouldnt listen even if you did try to explain so just forget about them and move on with your research.

  2. Start your suppositions with "It is said..." or "it is commonly believed..." or "Surveys say..." or point to a specific statement, to avoid sounding as if you yourself hold those opinions.

    Good luck!

  3. Simply by inserting the word "believe" instead of the word "agree".

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