
Looking into video game developer career?

by Guest57561  |  earlier

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I am a game freak who love playing video game. I am interested in game development career. But no programming and graphic background. What should I start to learn to become a video game developer?




  1. Well a college course then going onto to get a degree at Uni is your best bet.

    theres 3 paths in gaming;

    Game Programmaer - the coding etc, if your into that than great.

    take up an IT orientated college course, n have a mess wiht stuff like Microsoft XNA.

    Game Designer - coem up wiht the ideas, levels concept art etc

    good drawing skills, as well as a great imagination so an art degree would be good.

    Game artist - make the pretty stuff, back drops, 3d models etc.

    good photoshop skillls 3d model skills etc, so look up a course that offers that, pick up a copy of any Unreal game n use UnrealEd or get XSI Mod Tools n have a practice.

    2 of my mates are doing Games art route n the other Design, it appaers very few peopel liek the idea of coding.

    Looks pretty fun, though it cna be very strict, such as limiting a model to 1000 Polys etc. but they all seem to enjoy it.

  2. Learn C++.  Most development of video games is done in that language, so you'll need a mastery of that language to get started.

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