
Looking scenario of the whole world I ask all of you how to reduce money crisis of individual &of Nation.?

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Looking to the present scenerio of the whole world including america and india I am not simply asking the most important way of reducing ones own expenditure and national economy so that coming year of the world crisis is not affected more than what is expected.Please answer it in sincere way this is the burning problem of the world.I also request all financial institiuions and organization to gude the whole world.Lets jointly fight against this crisis

.thanks you all

paru d




  1. Hello,

    Good question but I am not sure a single good answer will suffice. Current US problems was long in the coming. All these years America has enjoyed the supreme status and rest of the world was coping with financial and economic stresses, but as the development nations (India and China) begin to shape up the effects are going to be felt. Europeans have been paying 5$ gas prices for several years, it is not a new concept for them.

    So they did the smart thing. CONSERVATION of energy use.

    Drive smaller cars, Drive shorter distances, use public transport, smaller homes where heating and cooling costs are low. SAVE money in the bank for rainy days (unlike in America, live and be merry). USA has the lowest per capita savings in the world and this in a country which has one of the most developed nation and wages are best for each of its class.

    So long story short. ENERGY CONSERVATION and SAVINGS is the key to ride the economical roller coaster. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO START.

    I say all this having lived in India and now in US, I can see and feel the difference. My parents lived most of there lives as conservatively as possible, my dad could have bought lexus 15 years ago, but instead he saved and put his money in real estate and investments. Today all that is paying off. he is a rich man today with several properties and can only get richer. Oh my did buy a Lexus 4 years ago and has no worries about gas prices.

    He is my role model. I have already started my SAVINGS and investment 8 years back.



  2. In america, reduce the size of the government and the wasteful spending in washington. Get rid of the special interests and lobbying in washington. The taxpayers are footing the bill for Obama's trip to the mid east because it is a "fact finding mission". Balogny, he wouldnt be going on a fact finding mission if he was not running for president. Corruption is rampant in Washington and all over the world. Unless you know of a way to stop the corruption, it will remain the status quo. In america, we have the freedom to stop the greed in washington.

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