
Looking to add furbaby to the family?

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I am searching to rescue a puppy to add to our family. We have a female dog now would she a get along better with another female or with a male or will it make any difference? (FYI-- My dog I have now is fixed and the new puppy will also be fixed) Thanks for the help--




  1. Females are pretty laid back, the gender shouldn't make a difference to her.  Males are more territorial, but since your dog is female, and your new baby is a pup, you shouldn't have any problems, especially since they're both fixed.

    Good luck!

  2. When I was looking for a second dog (my first is a male), my trainer suggested that I get a female. Mixed gender pairs are less likely to compete for position in the pack, so there is little chance of conflict. You may even get a young adult, and he will probably fit in.

    Make sure to take your dog to meet the other dog first before adopting. Do the meeting in neutral territory (e.g. at the shelter, or park). If it works out, ask them if you can take the dog home for a trial period to make sure that everybody gets along.  

  3. It shouldn't make a difference at all. But I suggest you have the two dogs meet before adopting the dog. You want to know if they will get along.

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