
Looking to adopt I'm a 26year old single mom do i have a chance???

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im a single parent. split up with x after 6 years but he still has contact every week. i no they say any one can adobt but will i realy have a chance. i dont want to give birth to any more children but have space in my life to love and cherish anouther child. it braks my heart to think of all thows children in care when i could give one a loving home a new chance in life for them. the only wurrie i have is that my son stays with his dad every weekend so would my adobted child feel left out. god there is so many questions. who could i speak to in england




  1. The site I listed below should tell you all you need to know.

  2. Probably not. Angelina is a rich son of a gun and unfortuantely on a completely different level.... although I don't think that is right.

  3. You will have a lot smaller chance finding a newborn to adopt, but I would say you have a very good chance with an older child, as long as you are financially and emotionally stable and all that.

  4. If you think u cant raise the child just as if u did give birth to him/her than u have a chance just make sure u can buy them the food heat and electricity you'll need.And don't forget the prezents on birthdays/Christmas and all that

  5. You will not be disregarded because you are a single parent.  As long as you have STABILITY in your life (which is the main concern for adoption agencies) then you are half way there

  6. angelina jolie does it

    why not you

  7. of coarse  i am an adopted 14 year old adopted grandparents please feel free 2 e-mail me if u have any questions what so eva i will help u with the whole process

    Regards, Evan Matzkow

  8. I dont know the rules (especially in England) but there are alot of kids that would be better off with dif. parents. You sound like you have a great heart and very sweet,  but really I dont see a chaance of this happening. And thats to bad.

    Good luck.

  9. i not sure but if you had that heart you were talking about yo'd find out yor self

  10. If you are in the UK you have a very good chance,its a lengthy process but worth it in the of luck.

  11. You will not be completely disregarded as an adopter just because you are a single parent.

    However, in order to adopt you need to have a spare bedroom (separate from your birth child and your own bedroom), you will also need to have a very good support network (friends and family who can look after the children if you were taken ill).

    It would help if you have a job (you will be given six months adoption leave which is basically the same as maternity leave), however councils do allow unemployed people to adopt also.

    My best piece of advice is go down to your local council and ask them if they have an introduction to adoption course.

  12. my mom was 52 wen she adopted me! wich was 2 weeks ago!

  13. Yes you do have a chance!

    You need to get on the phone to your local social services (google your local council) and ask to speak to someone on the adoption team.  They will tell you all you need to know.

    They will then send you out a pack giving you information on adopting and if you decide to continue will arrange to meet you face to face.  Then comes the preparation days followed by medicals and home visits.  The whole process will take around 8 months barring any problems.  Once approved your social worker will begin to look for a match, which, depending upon what age of child and if you are open to adopting a child with disabilities, could happen within weeks.

    Good luck!

    Just to add:  a previous answer said you need a certain income level - not true in the UK.  You can be on benefits, living in rented or council accomodation and still adopt.

  14. well i dont know who u'd speak to but i think if u could assure that u could financially and emotionally support another child and that it will have a good life in ur household then sure why not?

    good luck

  15. Hi,

    Yes, You will have a chance. Just because your a single mom does not mean you cant adopt, But for each country you must have a minimum wage and have stability money wise.Some country's do have an age limit, but most of them is 40-50 or above years of age at the maximum. Your adopted child could feel left out, but you could always organize something else for the adopted child to do on the weekend (like something fun). I myself was adopted and my sibling (also adopted) would go to her biological mother's home occasionally(it was an 'open' adoption).  I did feel a little left out, but not extremely.  

    Hope this has helped.

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