
Looking to adopt a child?

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We are looking into adopting a child and going through an agency will cost between 30-45,00 up front and we just dont have that kind of money. We are a married couple ages 24 and 29 and have a condo, decent jobs, and are stable. What can we do to have an open adoption with someone or adopt a child that we can provide a loving home to. We have clean backgrounds checks and never been arrested for anything at all. We are loving people and need direction.




  1. That fee doesn't sound right.  You need to check with other agencies.  If that is normal for your area, you should consider foster to adoption.

    Please do some background checking on the agencies you decide to use.  Some of them are not very reputable.

  2. It depends a lot on the age of child you are interested in adopting.  Adding an older child to your family through the foster care system is the cheapest route.  They usually aren't infants, but there are toddlers all the way through teens.  However, these adoptions usually can't be open, as the biological parents may have had their rights terminated for abuse, neglect, and/or criminal activity.

    If you have your heart set on an infant, making the match on your own, rather than through an agency, can cut the costs.  Biological and adoptive parents can use websites set aside for that purpose, like  In addition, you should tell everyone you know that you are interested in adopting.  Be prepared for a wait, but if this is truly what you want, it will be worth it.

    Whichever route you take, magipointeshoe is right- the first step is to get a homestudy, if you haven't already.  You can find a social worker here-  Please explore that site thoroughly- you'll find a TON of useful info!

    <3 Kelsey

  3. You need to seek advice from an adoption agency or adoption lawyer in your state.  The laws vary from state to state.  Either way, domestic adoptions of a newborn are quite expensive and there is no way around it.

    You might seek to adopt from the US foster care system.  Newborns are available that route, also, but so are many fantastic older children that have had an unfortunate start in life and need someone to love them.  The cost for adopting from the US foster care system, if any, is minimal.

    Good luck!  And be careful, because this is one area you do not want to get scammed in.

  4. We found our biological family through a neighbor who knew that we wanted to start a family and knew of a family who were making an adoption plan for their child.  I highly recommend letting everyone you know that you are considering adoption.  You never know who might be able to help.  You might also want to contact local OB/GYNs and see if they can offer you any assistance.  

    Foster Adopt is also an option.  You can contact your local Department of Human Services for more information.  They should be able to discuss the options available to you.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Have thought about Adopting from abroad?  e.g.  India,  Africa,  China  etc,  etc.

  6. We have had the same situation.  Have you tried your local state family services for foster/adopt programs?  TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW you are wanting to adopt.  We made up "business type" cards and left them everywhere, Sonic, gas stations, in the bills we mailed out....everywhere.  use local college boards.  Just get your word out.   Good Luck!  We have Savannah thru a friend of a friend of a friend that knew this girl that was pregnant.

  7. One way to "get started" and avoid some of the costs, especially since you don't care if you have an infant or not is to start by being foster parents.

  8. good luck. its expensive for adopting.

  9. you should try foster care adoption ... it doesn't cost anything

  10. I'm actually pleased you asked this question in this form.  Usually the person asking for this information slips in solicitation begging for anyone to please give them a baby.

    I think the first step is the home study, and then you could look at the foster to adopt programs.  I'm sure others will have better suggestions.

    Also, take a look at other agencies, that fee seems steep.

  11. wow... just wow....

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