
Looking to become vegetarian....?

by Guest44638  |  earlier

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I was just at the peta site and feel very strongly on becoming vegetarian. It's so sad. I don't like very many veggies at all. Like carrots, celery, and mushrooms a lil but that's about it! I can do most fruits. Is there a way of teaching yourself to like it? Any ideas out there on how to make the switch?




  1. why not experiment with your veg.

    grate or finely chop the veg and make vegetable bakes from them. this way you learn what ingredients go with what and how you like your veg e.g. with cheese, steamed, boiled etc..

    veg bake recipe:

    1 onion stock cube (or tsp veg stock)

    4 sticks celery

    1 whole leek

    1 medium onion

    2 cloves garlic

    mash potato - about 4 large potatoes

    salt, pepper, basil

    grated cheese on top, then brown

    good luck dude - veggies rock xD

  2. try boca burgers

  3. It does take time to learn to like veggies.  I never really liked squash before going veg, and now, I can eat butternut and summer squash (zucchini), but I still hate yellow squash.  I'll never learn to like broccoli, but I have learned to like kale, if prepared right.  And while it isn't my favorite, a local place does veggie skewers with eggplant that I like, but I don't really like eggplant otherwise.

    That's usually the thing--the veggies have to be cooked properly.  Most veggies do well in a stir-fry, so you may want to try various veggie options the next time you go to an Asian restaurant.

    If you like salads, toss in a new veggie or two with those you like and a really good dressing.  Raw spinach makes a great base for a salad and is nutritious to boot.  Just have something rich in vitamin C with it to help absorb the iron.

    Experiment with cooking styles and textures to find what veggies you like and how.

    Good luck!

  4. You can't really teach yourself to like a vegetable, you like it or you don't, its a shame, i cant ever make myself like cauliflower :p

    But its highly unlikely you just dont like any vegetables, maybe you just havent tried enough. try lots of different types, try it with different meals and different variation- a mistake i see sometimes is people who think veggie = fruit + vegetables, thats it. you can do lots of different great meals and youll be sure to like enough of them :)

    go to a nutritionist though and ask them to help you, if theres someone near you.

    to help make the switch do it gradually though. ie, say you eat meals with meat in it 5 times a week, cut it down to 3, then cut out red meat and only eat chicken, then only eat fish, then have nothing. i dont think that will help nutrition-wise but in your mind, it will be slowly getting rid of meat from your life.

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