
Looking to buy 2/3 yr old Jeep Wrangler.Will not be "off roading. " Hard or soft top?

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Looking to buy 2/3 yr old Jeep Wrangler.Will not be "off roading. " Hard or soft top?




  1. The choice is yours...

    The hard top has better insulation, so it holds hot or cold air better. It is also quiter inside so less road noise. It does weigh more and is harder to remove from the Jeep when you wanna ride topless. The hard is also more secure.

    The soft top is lighter, and super easy to remove for those 'nice' days. It is more noisy in the vehicle while driving (more wind/road noise), and isn't very insulated at all. The top is less secure (all you need is a knife and your inside to steal your c**p). Stupid plastic windows scuff and yellow with age.

    My choice? For a beater Jeep I wouldn't hesitate one tiny bit to get me a soft top. For a DD or a Jeep that isn't going to hit the dirt, hard top all the way!!!

  2. soft top or hard top depending on where you live. Soft if its warmer where you live most of the year, hard top if its cooler

  3. if ur not gonna off road i wouldnt advice a wrangler thats just sad not to see a jeep wrangler hit some sort of dirt or mud..try a cherokee?..but if ur hearts set on the wrangler soft top will keep u nice and breezy in the summer hard if its a cold


    1988 yj wrangler 4.5" rock crawler pro comp lift

    35x12.50 mud terrains

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