
Looking to buy a Jet Ski, Question...?

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I'm looking at buying a used jet ski (sea doo) two seater that has a 580cc engine. I have limited experience with jet ski's but this looks like a low number, is this thing going to be slow?




  1. I agree with giddyup.

    I owned a 500cc yamaha, and it's top speed with only me on it was about 32mph.  It ran about 20-25 with a second person with me.

    I fixed the propulsion system of a Polaris slt780 and when I test ran it, got it to 53mph without trying.  My yamaha wasn't as much fun after that...

    I'd go with a larger engine unless you can get a great deal on the sea-doo and don't mind a little slower for the money.  As long as you are having fun!

  2. Yes it actually is...

    A 750 has enough power especially for two people and for pulling tubes etc... Not to mention if your stuck out in bad weather.

    Have fun.....

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