
Looking to buy a Save on Gas car. Please help a child.?

by Guest60874  |  earlier

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Ok, so im currently 19 yrs. Soon moving in with my bf whom is 22yrs. Living with my Dad is not the greatest deal however he does pay for my car and gas, consedringim moving out he might just take that away from me. meaning, I would have to get a new car and pay my own gas. Now, Im looking for the best car to buy (new is not a must) thats not so high on gas (I live in LA) and thats not too expensive. how are the "save on gas" toyotas?

keep in mind it would be a sturggle in the begining for us (he already has his own car tho) as we try to stand on our own feet.

any help?




  1. Go with a hybrid, because other than that your best bet is a motorcycle, or even a European car.

  2. Whats your price range? Also in LA anything with 4 cyl is going for ridiculous amounts so don't fall into that trap.

  3. I guess you should also check insurance quotes for the car before buying one, for example here:

    Young drivers usually have much higher rates than others. And it depends from car.

  4. It might be tough at first, but see if there is a way to share your boyfriends car and utilize public transportation.  I know it does not sound like the coolest thing to but it will save you a good sum of money.  Money you will need venturing out on your own with LA prices for everything.  Good Luck.

  5. get a honda civic, great on gas and cheap ;)

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