
Looking to buy a used car. Same car - one has 103K, other has 78K. How much difference should there be in $.?

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Looking to buy a used car. Same car - one has 103K, other has 78K. How much difference should there be in $$.?




  1. There are lot of factors in this, mechanical condition, body and interior conditions, what each one needs for work to pass inspection if anything, etc.  There are numerous guides on line but they are not helpful on cars over 70k miles because these are wholesale cars to dealerships as most lenders will not finance someone on a car that old (too high risk) so even if, or, or Edmunds says a car is worth 3500, its not worth much more than a few hundred to a dealership.  Figure they didn't buy it for a whole lot, but they want to make money.  Bottom line is which car YOU like the best.  I've seen many 103k cars outlast a 78k car so mileage isn't the biggest concern, and may not affect value as much.  Even being the same car. The $$ amount, what matters is your comfortable paying the price you agree on.  I would take both vehicles to an independent mechanic and get their input, and use your personal judgment.  No matter what you get or pay, you will always have someone that says you paid too much.  If you put more details of the vehicle and pricing I'd be able to tell you if its a fair deal but you didnt give much in the way of details.

  2. Hello! There are certain things to consider when buying ANY used vehicle. First thing before even thinking about purchase do a full history check on the VIN or serial #. This will tell you the entire history of thie vehicle.(wether it was ever in an accident or if there are any possible leans on it etc.)  This can be done at any court house or licence insurer. Up here in canada this process is 26.00. Well worth it. Have a trusted bodyman or mecanic do a full 2 point inspection on the vehicle. Do a backround check on the daeler or person selling this vehicle.(Be very cautious of odometer rollbacks) That is illegal. Wether or not this seller is private or whatever.Be sure to chack the person as well as the vehicle in there entirity.Trust me I have done this process hundreds of times.No regrets.Good luck and be careful!!

  3. I like to estimate 1000 per year in loss of value. And since 20,000 km's is about a years woth of driving. I would say the $$$ difference would be about $1250.


  5. Doesn't matter, stick with the low miles....doesn't matter what you pay at the time, it is what you are going to pay OVER time to keep it running.....

  6. ASSUMING all things about the two cars are equal - they are in the same condition except mileage - then the difference would be around $700.  This is based on a 1997 model car with a wholesale value of $4000.  That should give you some idea - but it isn't the Bible....

  7. Year Make and Model ?????

    Can be 0.00 to 2000.00 depending

    on Year Make and Model

    If one is cleaner and has all records might be better than the other in the long run.

    25000 mile difference is How well they've both been takin care of.

    example or Year Make & Model

    Escort LX  with mileage difference 0.00 Both the same price

    2004 Mustang GT  with mileage difference 800 to 1200

    a SLK Benz ..... 10,000.00 vs 18,000.00 difference

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