
Looking to find a green tree or jungle carpet python, can anyone help?

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Im in georgia and am looking for a either snake as a beginner. I will pick up or pay shipping. Does anyone know or have one they would like to sell or get rid of?




  1. I would not reccomend a green tree python for a beginner. They require mor specific care and needs and are not the type to be handled. There are other species you should start with such as ball pythons, corn snakes just two name some.

  2. Try but if your a beginner neither one of those snakes are really good for beginners both can be rather aggressive especially the green tree python. Try looking for a ball python, im sure your intrested in the green tree and carpet because they have awesome colors but if you do your research on balls they have some really cool morphs and have a great temper.

  3. Green tree pythons are not beginner snakes. They are extremely aggressive and can give a nasty bite, plus their care requirements are more advanced than most snakes. They are a display snake and not a snake to be handled. Jungle carpets are great snakes, but I don't know if they would be considered the best beginner snake either, but they could make a good choice. Babies can be pretty aggressive and nippy, but they become very tame as adults. They're very active snakes and not as calm as ball pythons or other beginner snakes. They can grow up to 7 feet long. I have several JCP's.

  4. I see several people have already said the green tree python is not a "starter" snake.  In addition to its disposition, it's very expensive.  Retail prices usually exceed $400.00.  

    As madsnake said, this is a display snake.  They have long teeth (useful for penetrating the feathers of birds, which are a typical prey item) and can deliver a nasty bite.

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