
Looking to get new speakers!!?

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Trust 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker Set.

Mikomi 5.1 Speaker System

Philips SPA2600 5.1 PC Speakers

Wharfedale 2.1 Speakers

Just after speakers with good quality sound and base. Is the a huge difference between 5.1 speakers and 2.1? Whats the difference?




  1. 5.1 means 5 speakers and a bass amplifier, 2.1 means 2 speakers and bass.

    so with a 5.1, you can surround yourself with speakers creating surround sound.  Which dominates 2.1.

    And I'd go with the Philips

  2. You do not state the most important factor in what you are looking for, your budget. You can spend anywhere from $100 to tens of thousands of dollars on speakers.

    Assuming by looking at the links you provided you are seeking something highly economical, I would strongly recommend a 2.1 system since (again going by the links you provide) the only ones I would even consider are the Wharfedales. The others are junk.

    Yes there is a HUGE difference between a 2.1 system and a 5.1 system. A 2.1 system gives you left and right speakers that are placed in front of you and a tiny sub woofer.

    A 5.1 system gives you left and right speakers as well as a center channel speaker which is placed between the left and right speakers for dialog in a home theater, and also two surround speakers which are properly placed to either side of you, NOT behind you. Also a sub woofer which is the ".1" part. You do not say what your intended application is for these speakers so I really can't tell you more than this.

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