
Looking to host poker game but want to know how much ante!?

by  |  earlier

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Looking to host a poker game weekly at my house with friends but of course keep it friendly. What would be a good ante as well how much the chips should be etc . Dont want to see someone so mad they never come back....




  1. I also host weekly (almost daily) poker. We have found that a $15.00 tournament is usually friendly enough if you insist on playing hold em. What we usually do now though (since hold em is not everyone's game) is play cash games, dealer's choice. If you're not familiar, allow me to explain: Everyone can buy in for any amount with a cap set @ $20. The chips are assigned denominations eg. Blue Chips are $1.00 Green are $0.50, Red are $0.25 (a little tip: Invest in a chip set that has denominations printed on them so every 2 minutes, rookies aren't asking "what is the red chip worth again??") So with the chips being worth an actual amount, you are buying and cashing out for exactly what you want. Then you just pass the deal around and the dealer can pick whatever game he/she wants. We have the dealer ante $0.25 for every player at the table so there's never a light pot and even if you decide to pass your deal, you have to post for everyone. When someone wants to leave, they can cash out at any time... you have 5 blue chips? you get $5.00 out of the kitty. But, if you have $5.50... be a good guy and just throw your fifty cent chip in the pot.. you know there's no change! :) I'm happy to answer any other poker questions.. and if you're near chicago, I'm happy to play in your card night! lol

  2. Have everyone put in $10 or something then just deal up the chips evenly.  Start the small blinds as the smallest chip value and as people get knocked out you can raise the blinds.  This is what I used to do with no limits holdum'.  We would also sometimes have the second place guy get some money also.

  3. I've been hosting for about four years now. What I do is place a common value on the chips. Mainly, they're all worth the same. Then, set the blinds at 1-2, or 2-4, etc.

    The value of the chips is whatever you determine them to be. A chip rack can cost $5, that makes each chip worth 5cents. If you want to go higher, $10 for a rack, each chip is 10 cents.

    Hope this helps. It has kept my home games fun and entertaining. When we want to get serious we have 25-50 dollar buy-in tournaments with one rebuy. Those are the really fun nights.

  4. I prefer using Blinds. That way, once people have had a few drinks, it doesn't spark an argument about who didn't ante up...

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