
Looking to kill some time... My xbox 360 shot craps!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone, First off let me take the time to thank you for reading my question. My Xbox 360 recently shot $hit (Red rings of death) and I am banging my head into the wall. I am not getting another one! This was my second one and I have two friends that have been through 2 or 3 Xbox’s. So I am breaking out the ole’ Playstation 2 and I need some advice on some good role playing games. I have Final Fantasy 12 but I don’t like it. I am looking for some good strategy role playing games (Like Final Fantasy tactics) or some straight up RPG’s like Final Fantasy 7. I haven’t played my PS2 in years so I am kind of out of the loop with the new games for it. I need this game to last me awhile until Spore comes out for PC 9/7/08! Thanks in advance for all your input!

Unrelated to the question... I had just gotten to disc 4 of Lost Odyssey when my Xbox crapped out on me!




  1. I don't know much for new RPGs for PS2, but for great ones I have played I would recommend Dragon Quest VIII or Kingdom Hearts.

  2. On the PC, I highly recommend Sudeki. Most underated game ever. It is  half action half RPG. Fable is pretty good. Also, try Jade Empire and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, but avoid the sequal. These are all on PC. Not too sure on PS2. On PS2 check out Culdcept. It is a Monopoly meets Magic the Gathering. The most addictive game ever. Hope this helps. I also had the red rings of death, on a later gen model. Luckily, Microsoft quickly replaced mine with a new one.

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