
Looking to move out of country?

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I have some investments and annuities that pay me about 5k a month hardly anything in southern california but in another country could be much more... I have some equity in a property out here and I am tired of southern callifornia I have lived here my whole life and would like to go to another country where I could live on the beach somewhere and here it would cost me 5 million to do that... .I only speak english and I was thinking the philipines or costa rica something like that... I have been thinking about this for about a year now and I really want to move I'm 23 years old and I just dont like it here anymore I want to live somewhere else for a year or two... I would like the place to be safe and most people there speak english... does anyone have any suggestions ideas, facts, stats, prices etc... give me your opinions please it would be greatly apperciated. Thank you.




  1. but if what the guy says above me is true go to phillipines ! i did not know it was so great :D either way phillipines or scandinaavia.. how about both :D o yes n plese respond if i was helpful! if u cant make it to phillipines then just get out of the usa!!!! any place in scandinavia. norway finland :)

    yes =] if you wanted to go the phillipines or costa rica or a really beautiful  place it might be hard to adjust but might as well. Also you could join the peacecorps and it makes it easier to fit into other countries you  learns the language and helps people in those countries at least with the new president of usa (hopefully) the peacecorps will be trippled in size. But if you dont want that.... You should go to norway  or other scandinavian countries pretty languages!  they make more money then the average americans and there nicer and more friendly mostly :) ....but still some stereotypes. If you really desperate to get out usa go to scandinavia :) and there think of where to go next :) I really want to leave to other countries some are much more generous in some ways but europe is similar to america in some ways especially norway but try something new I am too young to move but I will very soon when I can but yes go to scandinavia first its easier to fit in .....  nicer people good economy and there is middle class :) just have to learn the languages. and when you come to usa you can show off your language to show off to people.scandinavia speaks newby english for the most part eastern europe dont though. :) I wish you luck in getting to another countrie because I really need all the luck and courage to leave the usa as well but even if its a night mare where ever you go you can come to back america in 5 years and say hay! im 5 years not american and show off your languages that is what i plan to good lucky scandinavia seems safest place to start off.then go to other places later thank you I need encouragment too scared too..but i really want to get out of here...good thing about other there is not much emo =] but youl find many american media in scandinavia unfortunately :( I am from an island and i want to live there but...its very hectik and crowded. good luck =] remember time is an illusion. I 23 years old I am 49 years old I am 2 years old there is first person perspective to every time. so even if I go to a country and it is h**l I am also 10 years later living peacefully at home not regretting a new experience :) and also....there is no such thing as different souls its all one soul and theres no such thing as third and second technically I am living in swedish right now I am living in tunisia italy greece phillipines and costa rice. I am living in paradise and also living in even if you dont go...just remember that there is 6 billion of me I so technically I am living everywhere and in this form if things dont work out its a paradise for other form s of me that are born in other countries. but good luck I really need all the luck too and courage I dont even know how to drive a car lolz...i never been to norway except as a baby..but my family has and they like it more then usa =] there is no beginning or end and there is no ressurection regardless of beliefs. its all just me in 6 billion different forms im in every car in the radio im a celebrity I am here I already have a family stress apon life desicions and even caring is futile as I Am here I am a woman I am a man I am living in the year 1400 i am living in the year 3000 and the year 2008.there is billions and billions of me and i have billions of friends  in the world at all times so temporary forms of life do not even need to be worried about because its all me just in different countries and different times .just leave it to the other 6 billion of mes but its all the one soul I...and i come 6 billiion forms 6 billion places and 6 billion times...but what did i do to ever deserve all this life and gifts? good luck i need it to thanks goodbye :) should i return to my island near north africa of origin even if there is poor government? I need advice too lol

  2. rom everything you said , My answer would be definately the Philippines.Many older americans.Much older than you retire there.You understand that social security ot retirement benifits dont go far in the US  with inflation.So many older men will retire there.Also if hes divorced he can easily get a younger wife there because younger filipina will consider marrying an older finacially secure american and she wont worry so much about his age.An americans  retirement check check  can be more than many filipino saleries.

    The Philippines has alot of your requirements.You dont have to learn another language.%90 there will speak english and you will have no problem with that.

    Anything  type of living condition is available to you.Pretty affordable.To just as expensive as you can get in Ca.

    Only problem you would have and its not a problem if u only want to be there a few years is that you will have to rent.Since your not a filipino citizen you can not own property.You can under certain conditions but the laws are too complicated to get into here. You can live there very very nice for what you say you have.Your only a short plane ride from HK and other asian cities/countries. Filipinos love americans, generally. You will need to learn about the culture and there will be those there that will take advantage of you if your not educated on how things work. You can learn anything you want about prices, culture,real estate online. They have great beaches and resorts. If you wanna hang out on the beach alot you would not really need to buy a beach house.Since you were saying your looking to go somewhere for on a few years why buy anyway? The women are beautiful the people hospitable.Honestly if i had your money I would already be there.Good luck

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