
Looking to move to Bowen area QLD,is there much work available in the reigion?

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Husband is a qualified welder,any info on the area much appreciated,Nice area to raise kids? ,general lifestyle?thankyou.




  1. Work wise for sure the large mining companies around the Bowen area have to use skilled migrant labour for trade positions he could pick which job to do on excellent money .

    Bowen is a great place which hasn't lost its character and soul in the boom up north some call it "sleepy" I reckon its relaxed great place for a family.

  2. i visit bowen alot and it is a very good town.. we were thinking of moving there but i wanted to stay in Brisbane...

    it is also a great place to live and raise ur children

    there are plenty of opportunities up there.... you will love it

  3. Bowen is a nice town and is at the northern end of the Bowen Basin with its huge coal reserves. There should be plenty of work for your husband at the coal mines and in related industries.

    The following is a link to a newspaper article that gives quite a bit of info on the lifestyle etc of the town

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