
Looking to move to a big city.. Where should I go!? & why?!?

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Looking for a little advice. I currently live in Wisconsin and I must get out & experience more than just the cold & cows =)

I love big cities.. I have stayed in Orlando & Atlanta for quite a few months...

Do you have any ideas on any cities?? Perhaps ones that you live in? I'm looking to stay in a larger city, if you think orlanda & atlanta, please give me your reasoning ;-) THANKS!




  1. what about ny? There is a lot of diversity in this city and there is always something to do. You will defenitely experience a lot if you move here. Good luck to you:)

  2. I moved from Wisconsin to NYC about a year and a half ago, and I love love love it. However, I'm here to be an actor, so that's what I love about it - if you don't have a specific goal in NYC, it can be really difficult.

    However! The climate here is perfect for me, because you still get the seasons, but it's not ever as cold here as it gets in WI. I would be weirded out to move somewhere where it's warm all the time.

    Good luck!

  3. new york is an obvious choice, but also consider the crime rate.  yes there's more to do, but you also have to be very mugger savvy.  other choices are Atlanta, Vegas would be a lot of fun, and of course there are plenty of cities in Cali.  i see that you live in Wisconsin now, so if you're looking for a climate change, new york wouldn't really do it for ya.  plus i noticed that you're a make up artist....there's all kinds of job out there for that career choice.  i would try something south or west if i were you!!!  I'm thinking maybe Cali or Colorado in the near future......just a thought :)  and good luck with the move.

  4. New York City, Because there is so much to do and its made for city lovers! So if you want to move to a big city I suggest New york. or maybe La

  5. new york city becuzits a big city and the beaches are spectular in the summer......n l.a becu of hollwood

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