
Looking to temporarily Kill My DSL internet?

by  |  earlier

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K so, im trying to disable the internet DSL in my house, without calling the company. Im trying to do this secretly too, so that noone else in the house finds out. Now, what i know is the internet runs thru the phone line, right? So can i go to the phone box, and disconnect certain wires? do i have to kill the phone line in the process? I could go into a huge detail as to why im doing this, but that would be a waste of time, :D




  1. Since the DSL runs through the phone lines you'd have to kill the phone line too. You can't separate one from the other. May be easier to just remove the DSL modem (although it's easier to see that a Modem is missing).

  2. Unplug the modem. or you can go to the web browser on the pc and type and disable it from with in the infrastructure and it will look like everything is working right but it will respond like the Internet is out of service.

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