
Looks like IOC are investigating the Chinese gymnast?

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guess that fox report is legit or seems to be at least to the IOC. if its true that she's underage then looks like Nastia has another gold medal (the one she initially shoulda have gotten or at least shared)




  1. It is the right move to make, and if she is underage then they should be stripped of their medal.  I can't help but feel sorry for that little girl though.  She's just caught in a difficult situation, pressed by her government.  She is either too naive and doesn't quite understand the rules, or she has no choice...or both.  But this girl worked her butt off.  Shame on the Chinese government if this is true.

  2. if they are underage, China should lose all of their medals in gymnastics

  3. They would simply be stripped of their medals and whomever is below them in the final standings will receive higher placement and medal colors.  I'm not sure how long suspensions are for misconduct and unfair sportsmanship, if they're found guilty.

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