
Loop hole for breaking a lease in an apartment?

by  |  earlier

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someone broke into my apartment, i told the office, they didnt do anything.. is there any way that i can break the lease without paying anything?




  1. read over your lease.  If you put IN WRITING and sent it to them via certified mail and they didn't do anything (usually are required to fix it in 3 days AFTER the notice you gave them) if they don't respond, then you can move out of the apartment without penalties

  2. Probably not.  Of course if you moved because of security issues and they took you to court it would look bad for them, especially if you make a really big stink about it.

  3. What did you think they would do?

    You needed to tell the police, not "the office", they are not involved with this.

  4. Nope.

    You would have to prove that it's your landlord's fault.

    You aren't going to be able to do that sweetie.

  5. What is it you wanted the office to do?  

    Did you report the break-in to the police?  If you didn't you have zero chance of breaking the lease w/o penalty (and very little if you did)  Unless you have something specific that they didn't do that violates the lease you have no grounds to break the lease.

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