
Loosing drivers licence? (new zealand)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I had too much to drink this past month and ended up passing out twice (2 differnt times). The doctor said this is uncoman and could be a sign of elipsy and said I cant drive for 6 months because of it. I think that is total bs!!! what do you think? simalar stories? thanx.




  1. First off, I think if you are drinking so much that you pass out, you are an alcoholic. Its a wonder the doctor is sending you for treatment.

    Next, I think that the doctor is being responsible because if you passed out while driving and killed someone, he could be held liable for not suspending your licence pending tests.

    Its common practice for a drivers licence to be suspended whenever someone passes out, particularly more than once.

    My advice to you is to drink less, and follow the doctors orders.

  2. Epilepsy is a chronic condition of recurrent unprovoked seizures.

         Isolated seizures and provoked seizures (e.g., drug or alcohol induced)

         are not Epilepsy even though the events are real seizures. There are

         many types of non-epileptic seizures. Non-epileptic seizures differ

         from epileptic seizures in that there is usually no evidence of

         abnormal electrical activity in the brain after the seizure, and they

         do not occur repeatedly. Some of the more common causes of

         non-epileptic seizures are: low blood sugar, fainting, heart disease,

         stroke, migraine headaches, kinked blood vessels, narcolepsy,

         withdrawal, and extreme stress or anxiety.

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