A few weeks ago I began taking Lorazepam to help with severe anxiety. I had the prescription for about a year previously, but this was the first time I began to take a regular daily dose. For about 3-4 weeks I took 1.5 mg a day (1 in the am, 0.5 in the pm). I then took 1 mg a day for a few days (0.5 in am & pm) & then 0.5 at night for a few days. The last time I took it was six days ago & since then I've had serious insomnia problems probably related to withdrawal (I lie awake up to 2-3 hrs. before finally getting to sleep). Other than insomnia I've noticed no other problems. After doing research I realize I should have tapered my use of it more gradually. I was tempted last night to take some again so I could sleep & this time ween myself more gradually. At this point, though, is it best for me just to stick it out until withdrawal passes (& how long will the insomina last)? I know I should consult my doctor, but it is Saturday so it will be a couple days before I can do so.