
Lord of the Flies makes me fell uneasy. answer please!?

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I don't know why but when ever i think about the story, i get queasy, and a little grossed out. This is TOTALLY out of character for me, I feel embarrassed to admit that this book makes me feel that way, but i have to read it for English. I heard there is going to be cannibalism, which really makes me sick to my stomach. again, i really not a person that gets queasy. i don't know what to do, I'm really desperate PLEASE HELP!




  1. Who told you there was cannibalism? It sounds like someone who either lied or never read the book,  gave you a warped view on what the book is about.

  2. There isn't cannibalism...but I do get queasy reading it or thinking about it. I love that book, but it is very intense. I've read it twice and want to read it again just so I'm sure I get all the symbolism. Also, I get sick thinking about poor Piggy! :-(

  3. There is no cannibalism in the book!  The story is a very potent play on real life, its trials and tribulations. I don't know how old you are, but the story is very true to how things really are in the world. I am not sure where you got cannibalism out of the book, but even if it were in the book, it would not have been the most disturbing thing about the story. What disturbed me is how power and groupthink can override all sanity and morality. If you look at the world today, you will see all the most disturbing things in the book being played out everyday. There are leaders and followers, followers will follow without regard to morality just to survive. Leaders will use the followers to attain even more power.  Just remember, there have been MANY more atrocities committed in the name of power and groupthink than a million times the amount of people who have actually died as a result of cannibalism.  

  4. The Lord of the Flies is a rather disturbing book.  Lord of the Flies is a classic in that it is assigned reading in many schools, both high schools and colleges.   As a result there are numerous free on line resources that can help you with your study of this novel, most of which analyze the story, discuss themes and symbolism and other literary devices, and give character sketches.  If you do a search you will find many helpful resources.  Additionally hundreds of questions have been asked here on Y!A about LOTF so do a search for it in the Yahoo Answers search window and you will find lots of Q’s and A’s that should help you.

  5. The person who told you there was cannibalism in the story may not know what that word actually means or may just be trying to freak you out.

    I don't remember any humans being eaten in the book. Animals were hunted and killed, yes, but for food. And yes, a human does die in the book but it's not out of cannibalism.

    Plus, it was written in the 50s. Writers didn't really go into extensive details on things like writers do now.

    For a general recap of the entire story - but don't use this as your reference - READ THE BOOK - go to:

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