
Los Angeles Traffic Woes?

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Part of the problem with transporting people around the L.A. Metro area is that everyone has to use a whole car to themselves even though it's only got 1 person per car. The only people of take public transit are those who can not afford a car.

Hollywood has instigated this problem for years. Making public transit look unattractive. Since when was the last time did you see a famous actor in the movies taking the bus, train or bicycling around Los Angeles?

I say hollywood needs to glamourize public transit. We need to start seeing actors and actresses riding public transit on a daily basis and having fun doing so.

All the movies that take place in NYC show important people riding the subways all the time. That is why it's easier to sell public transit to the general public in NYC than in LA.

Don't give public transit a negative stigma. Show on TV how cars are hurting us in the long run. Show us actors getting around LA on a bus or train.

Why isn't hollywood already doingthis




  1. Good idea.  I think we should try it.

  2. We good lord i have driven in Manhatten,and los angeles and the only accident i ever ad was in la...

    but you have to keep in min a few thing,,, Los angeles is so spread out it woul take hours to get aroun in public transportion,, There are traines that run out like toward ontario and some by la mirada but there are not enough public trans to move these people,,, I have learned to stay off the intersttes and found all the back roas faster to get around.. but Los angeles will never see subways like new york or cabbies,,, it just to amn big

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