
Loser, confuser, asker?

by  |  earlier

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okay so im like really pissed, confused, shocked, and happy all at the same time. so to start things off, i liked this kid for about two months and he said he liked me too, and said he was going to ask me out but still never did. One day he texted me and his signature said a girls name with two hearts and i flipped out ! but then that same day a good friend of mine just like randomly asked me out. BUT, the day before he told me he liked some other girl and im not sure if he is trying to make me jealous or he really likes me. help me out here. i still like that kid who i liked for two months but i kind of like the other kid too. what do i do ?




  1. Hmm..WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?

  2. ask him:) the best pollocy is honesty:)

  3. umm, WRONG SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. itss ur lyf....u only hav da privlege to ruin it...bcz i cant..or in a sarcastis manner da 2 kids hav...

    i m stammmerd to ans ths query...if u blv in love thn u knw v well...n if its just a fuss...u can gell wth bth of thm..

    i thnk u need 2 cut da c**p...

    i jus wanna say....look and weigh b4 u leap

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