
Losing 25 pounds in 2 months?

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i am eating 700 calories


lunch-4 pieces of turkey breast rolled up and a peach

dinner-300 cal

and i am bike riding 8 miles a day

can i lose 25 in 2 months




  1. you should eat 1000 calories a day just to sustain your body - for heartbeat, breathing, digestion and so on. If you do nothing but lay in bed day and night, that is what your body needs to function. That is why all decent diets start with 1200 calories at the least. You should add 500 calories to your daily intake, or you can die from a heart attack, of kidney failure or something.

  2. That is not a healthy weight loss and most likely it will come back on.  You should be losing 1/2 lb. to 1 lb a week.  

    Your body needs protein... and a peach for breakfast is not going to get you through the day.  

    Also on  700 calories a day, soon you will start feeling deprived and start eating more than you should.  You need to reexamine your weight loss goal.  

    to learn about healthy weight loss, try or  

    Good Luck

    I lost 25 pounds last year, but it took 6 months... and none of it has come back on..    

  3. You need more calories.  Calorie counting is flawed at best.  The key is to eat sensible foods low in fat and forget about calories.  Cutting calories tricks your body into thinking that it's starving, so it will hold on to everything it can.  Maintain a balanced diet and keep up the exercise.  You will burn off more fat and add toned, lean muscle that way.

  4. Probably, I dont support the eating of animals but go 2 the DR & get Phentermine youll deff lose with that.

  5. Yes but you will probably lose your mind as well.

  6. yes but you can still eat healthy without having to eat the same thing try rice patties those are good the cinnamon apple quaker oats fish , vegetables

  7.   You should double your calories, based on the amount of exercise you are doing, it is not healthy for you to be eating so few calories.  Especially if you are exercising so much, you will begin to feel weak, and very hungry.  Being so deprived will lead your body to binge eat, which will ruin all your hard work.  Eight weeks of exercise and eating 1200 or so calories a day, will absolutely cause you to lose.  How much depends on ho much you weigh right now.  A heavy person could easily drop 25 pounds or more.  A thinner person will lose less and more slowly.  Don't forget to take vitamins and eat very healthy like salad, fruit, and lean protei`n, and you will have less cravings because your body will be getting what it needs. Good Luck!

  8. Maybe so because I am doing about 800 calories and no work out and I'm losing about 10lbs a week.  

  9. Yes you can, if you are on a strict vegitable soup diet. But the problem is once you started a normal diet, you will gain 25 pound back in no time.  


  10. I can lose 3 pounds a week if I exercise a lot.  I don't restrict my calories because my metabolism shuts down.  I just shoot for 1,000 calorie deficit.  I have a Bodybugg and that makes it easy to know.  You may lose too much muscle with so few calories.  You need more protein and a few grains.  Old-fashioned oatmeal is good.  Only 150 calories and gives you energy.

  11. hey now,

    you dont wanna be doing stuff like that to your body. I know i know i sound like one of 'those' people. but i used to have an eating disorder where i'd eat 250 caloreis a day max and it wrecked me. Be healthy. Your goal is realistic and chances are youll lose more than you want to on that diet. If your active you should never go below 1,200 cal. Im a dancer, so you can understand the pressure to be thin, but even we are advised to stay at least at 1200.

    The key is to put out more than u put in, but within reason.

    Good Luck

  12. Not really, and certainly not safely.  Only getting 700 calories will slow your metabolism way down.  You can eat a lot more and still lose a lot of weight with this plan:

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