
Losing bronze by 0.008 (eight ten thousands of a second)...has anyone lost by less that that?

by  |  earlier

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Australia's sprint team or something lost to another country by 0.008 of a second last night...I cant imagine anyone losing at a lesser margin then that!

but has anyone ever lost by 0.001 of a second before?




  1. they should re callibrate there timer, it was out by 0.0009 of i second. they should also put him in the guinnes book of records, because i have never heard of a loos that minute

  2. The margin was very small indeed, but .008 is 8 ONE thousanths of a second (not TEN thousanths). Cycling is one of the few sports that measures down to thousanths of a second and I can't find one on record that's less than .008, but it's probably happened in other competitions.

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