
Losing fat from two places?

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im 5'4 and im 120 pounds..... and i know i am skinny.

But i have unneeded fat in thighs and sides of stomach.

so to sum up

i wanna lose it.

What exercises should i do?

How many days?

How many reps?

How long?

the end

p.s. i dont wanna run. and im not going to go out and by weights. But there must be things to do like. pushups. lunges. or sumthing. walking?? i just need a plan or something. HELP lol. maybe explain the diff between exercises that gain weight and build muscle. or w/e.... THANNNNNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. well i am lazy. and i have taken off the unnecessary fat you are talking about by this:

    1. first let me explain.  Stand: feet should width apart with your hands on you hips

    2.Think of a hula hoop. instead you move side to side like your dancing making sure that you feet don't move from position.

    3.Extending one hip as far out as you can...back to regular position-standing shoulder width apart- and the extending the other hip out as far as you can

    4 to 5 days a week

    3 sets of 10

    every 5 mins until u have completed a session of 20-30mins per day

    ***but plz dont hurt yourself. just move like your dancing from side to side.

    You'll begin to feel your stomach abs and the sides of your stomach working. Trust me this might sound crazy but it works!

    As for the thighs they key is squats. Not only does it build a nice butt it will shape your thighs. repeat same exercise ruitine as above.

  2. Spot reduction, or spot reduction myth is the false belief that exercising a specific muscle will result in a decrease in the amount of fat in the area surrounding that muscle. A common example of this is focusing on abdominal exercises in an effort to lose weight in or around one's stomach.

    Spot reduction is a myth and has no scientific basis. Fat is burned from body areas in genetically pre-determined patterns and has no relationship to the nearby muscles being exercised. For men, abdominal fat is generally the last to go. Women store more fat in their thighs and buttocks.

  3. yoga ,

  4. You should do ab exercises crunches, leg lifts, etc.  To bad you are not up for running though that would take care if it really quick

  5. The best way to lose fat is through cardiovascular workouts. It is important for a person if they intend to be dedicated enough to lose weight that they find something they enjoy. You say that you don't want to run so other options include walking, biking, stair climbing, swimming, or aerobics. To focus on fat burning try to exercise long after eating as this will help your body target fat instead of sugars and carbohydrates. 2-3 sessions of between 20-45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day, most likely two for you, are suggested for fat burning. Exceeding 45 minutes will actually make in harder to lose weight. It is also recommended that you switch up the type and amounts of time you exercise along with not trying to push yourself to hard. Workouts that involve lifting weights and push ups are geared towards building muscle instead of burning fat and won't help you to lose weight.

    At the same time losing weight isn't just about exercise. It's important to eat a balanced diet. To do this best use the Canada or where ever your from food guide or pyramid for your age group to help gage how much and the type of food you should eat. If you currently eat a lot of junk food you should also try and limit your consumption of that as it often contains high amounts of fat.  

    Hope that helps you.

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