
Losing in a tennis match?

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I am playing in the finals of a JV match and winner gets to move on to Varsity.

We began our match today and i am down 2-5, we are going to 6 and we will finish tommorow.

What strategy should i use to catch up and win tommorow?




  1. Be aggressive, but don't take chances. Don't try to hit winners on every shot, because they are usually out or in the net. Just get the ball in. If you get the ball in most of the time during a rally, your opponent will want to end the rally with a winner, but it is usually out.

  2. how long is your match. 3 or 5 tiebreak sets

  3. Play aggressive, try not lose concentration focuss every point!!! Good Luck x*x

  4. I would suggest you warm up at least an hour early.  If you can get someone to give you some drill practice tonight, that might help too.  Think about the match in terms of 2 points at a time.  The goal is to win 2 points in a row.  You'll find that it isn't easy to do.  And when you lose 2 points in a row, it's usually because you "gave it away" with unforced errors.  If your opponent gets the first point, you need to work extra hard (focus) to get the second point.  After two points, relax and start over.  Take only two points at a time.  Trying to win 4 games in a row can really put too much pressure on a person.  By taking 2 points at a time, and trying NOT to let your opponent take 2 points in a row also disrupts his/her momentum.  Most games are won or lost in 2 point increments.  I learned all this in an advanced college tennis class from a great instructor.  Relax, do your best, and good luck!

  5. let the other player make the mistakes. I know from experience that when playing someone you aren't necessarily better than you should concentrate on just making it in the court. That way they make the mistakes of hitting them long or into the net. =]

    good luck!

  6. be aggressive.... take chances, attack the net. be offensive

  7. Your own service game is going to be the key. Serve well, get up to the net and start closing out some points there. Figure out a way to intimidate your opponent some type of way. Gotta get him nervous. Even though your down, you're not out. Good luck.

  8. first think about you winning as in all the joy but still remember that only one person can win but think about if you loose you will need to have good sportsmanship and know you are a winner inside and always have a stradegy to make you want to win

  9. I have a little bit of tournament play experience, but I am by no means an expert... however, I am going to disagree with just about everyone's advice so far.  Since your opponent is up 5-2, the onus is on them to finish the match  Finishing out a match is harder than people realize.  It can take time to settle into a match so don't try to be too aggressive right off the bat, you'll make lots of errors and essentially hand over the victory to your opponent.  Instead try to be absolutely consistent and make your opponent beat you.  Just focus on trying to get that first game by being consistent.  If your opponent wins, then they were just too good.  But if you can get that first game, then you will get into their head and they will become a little nervous.  It is so easy to let a match slip away by tightening up, etc.  The best thing you can do is to relax and make your shots as solid as you can and keep the ball in play.  Good luck -- and I do think that the advice on preparing for the match early is good advice as well.

  10. Remember to be consistent---that's the most important thing you might want to be doing.  However, if you are a consistent player, but aren't going in for the shots that you need to (Net, Lobs, etc.) than you may want to start doing so.  Be aggressive, but don't push it!

  11. First off all be consistent. FInd out the other player weaknesses (such as a high backhand) and give him lots of those. Also throw in a power shot here and there especially as your opponent get tired. GOOD LUCK!

  12. aggressive, have positive thinking, be consistent, and have confident.

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