
Losing money in stocks...?

by  |  earlier

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i feel sick to my stomach...this is wht i have...

yge at 18

gu 11.20

ipi 65

coin 10

aapl 195

ifn 60




  1. If you believe in these stocks, then hold on to them.  If/when the market recovers, maybe your stocks will recover.  Having said that, you do appear to be trend & performance chasing.

    If it was me, I would dump them (your stocks), and buy a diversified group of mutual funds.  Very few investors are able to outperform the market.  You could be the exception, but your performance to date, is not impressive.

  2. From your holdings I can tell that you like chasing the latest hot idea like clean energy, apple, or india. However, in the end you dont seem to have a plan as to what to do if you lose money and most probably what to do if you make money. Usually holding losing stocks in hoped of getting back to even just makes things worse. I also find it funny how people set targets to "just break even" If a stcok finally turns around you need to get a little greedier that breakeven if you are to make money.

    What I  would suggest since you dont seem to have a plan or an edge is to get one. Sell your stocks and work in demo mode with fake money until you develop a system that you are confident will give you profits. Until then even if you luckily make your money back by ther end of the year which is very doubtful, you will only give it back in the next round of trades.

    Take this as a lesson and learn from it.

  3. I have to be blunt.  Sell everything.  You should not be trading stock.  Where did "I need it to go to..." come from?  The stock does not know that you own it.

    If you want to be a long term investor, then buy some companies that seem well managed and pay good dividends and don't check the price every day.  Better yet, buy Vanguard S&P 500 index fund and then forget about it.

  4. Be Patient. It will take time I have lost about 2K this year but i am not faltering.  The stocks will rise again and even more in the coming years.  Don't Worry Let Them Grow.

  5. Wow... you didn't follow one of the basic tenants of investing.

    You have a terrible "asset allocation".  In addition you totally ignored the level how aggressive your stock picks are. And the biggest mistake.......   you didn't havean exit plan when you bought these......................................

    Learn "asset allocation". Limit your portfolio to certain percentage of "aggressive stocks". In short..... learn investing.   Have a plan.

  6. What were the reasons when you opened these positions? Are these reasons still there? If not, then you should not be holding on to these positions. If those original reasons are still valid, then keep these positions.

    Hope this helps.


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