
Losing virginity at 15????

by  |  earlier

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a family member of mine did (yes it was a girl) and I think that is way too young.




  1. Its normal now (some) teenage girls think they are entering womanhood, but they could be entering parent hood. A woman in my family had her first of 4 children at the age of 13 and they are all 1 - 2 years apart.

  2. holy $#!T that is too young to have s*x!!!!!

  3. i dont see anything wrong with it...

    yea it is young..but if u r aware of the risks.

    and what could happen.then take ur chances.

    but dont have s*x bcuz he wants 2

    or if it feels rite at the moment.THINK about it.bfor doing it.

    think about if u want to loose it to that guy or wat is goin on with your relationship.wait awhile until you are well in your least 5 months.thats just my opinion.

    there are risks.and u probably kno what they are.

    but USE A CONDOM.

    safe then sorry...


  4. She is too young. Talk to her about making better choices and how she shouldn't do it again because she could get pregnant and ruin her life. Be sure not to act mad and talk about how you "understand what she is going through" lol.

    Good Luck


  5. It s too young but it is happening. The most important is if the person knows how to protect herself

    Give her this website

  6. Sadly, this is normal now-a-days.

  7. I agree it is way too young but that's the way it is now. sorry.

  8. I lost mine when I was 15.  But I didnt do it just to do it.  I did it because I cared for the boy I was dating at the time.  Unfortunitely he cheated on me with his ex, so it was a big waste of time to loose my virginity to him.  I dont think its wrong to lose it at a 15, as long as you have a reason to do it.

  9. It depends upon a number of factors as to whether it is too young or acceptable. These would be --Country, Culture, Customs, Traditions, environment, reason and personal feelings.

    In some countries it is acceptable for a girl to marry in their early teens or younger, and therefore loosing your virginity in that case is acceptable.

    I am assuming that you are living in the US (from looking at some of your questions & answers).  It is happening a lot that girls are loosing their virginity early at 12-15 on average.

    I feel that it is acceptable IF the girl is comfortable with the situation, is not being forced into doing so by peer pressure or wanting to "stay with the boy", and is using contraception (preferably both the pill & condoms for double protection as a condom can occasionally break and a girl may forget to take the pill. Also to protect against STD's).

  10. It's way too young.

  11. i lost mine at 15.

    i don't know it thats considered 'ok' or not.

    it felt right at the time.

    and we are still together.

    we've been together since we were 13..

    ill be 18 in February ..

    so its been a while.

    i don't regret it? i don't think?

  12. well, i lost mine at 14. i regretted it for a while, but im over it now.

    my friend also lost hers when she was 12, but i think thats a little young :]

  13. yeah thats too young to have s*x - she should have waited untill she was a little older since at 15 one is not emotionaly and mentaly ready to handle s*x.  s*x is for mature adults ie ppl who are atleast 18 and old enough to be smart about s*x.

  14. i agree it is young, but if shes not pregent then its ok! talk to her about aids, hiv and things like that !


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