
Losing weight, help pleasee???

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I am 130 pounds and trying to lose some weight I'm 5 foot 7 and 13.

I eat 1/2 cup of granola with a cup of skin milk with an apple or banana for breakfast

One turkey sandwich on wheat with a bottle of water and an apple for lunch

Grilled chicken with bbq sauce and Diet coke for dinner.

And I snack on fruits throughout the day.

I do 100 situps and 50 pushups in the morning

And 100 pushups and 200 situps at night.

I also run 20 mins on the treadmill five days a week.

I already lost the majority of my weight [70 pounds] a few months ago doing no carb. But Im trying to lose about 15- 20 more pounds and tighten up my chest and stomach. But my weight isnt changing.

What else should I do?

[I have no access to weights]




  1. First of all, congrats on getting healthy.   At 5'7" and 130 pounds you are already at a good weight.  Losing another 20 pounds would probably make you look gaunt.

    However, if you'd like to look more toned, consider doing different kinds of ab exercises besides just situps.  The plank, bicycle and side crunches are good to add to your routine.  You might also increase your cardio to over a half hour.  Interval training (going slower than quicker and more intense) is a good thing to try to get rid of any excess flab.  You can try new sports, swimming, tennis, walking outside or dance to mix up your rounine.  Your body 'gets used to' doing the same thing all the time.

  2. The last pounds are always the hardest.  Make sure you're drinking enough water, divide your weight in half and drink that in ounces.  Instead of the situps try crunches, with knees up and bent in the air go up for 4 counts, hold and down for 4 counts, do 3 sets of 8.  Try interval training instead of straight running.  Walk briskly for 5 minutes, then sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.  I just lost my last 10 pounds. Check out my blog for details and more tips and tricks I've used

  3. if you are doing all that then i really dont think you can do anything else. you are 130 lbs.....thats pretty dang skinny if you ask me. i wsh i was 130 lbs.

  4. You're 13 just beginning/early stages of puberty. You need sufficient nutrients for proper growth. Muscle tone will come naturally .

  5. First of all, you are too YOUNG to be trying to lose anymore weight!

    2. Your restrictive diet may have slowed your metabolism down.


    4. bbq sauce and dressings have sugars and fats in them. find a suitable replacement for them.

    5. Sodas, caffeine, and carbonated beverages are bad for you and your digestive system.  Drink water and veggie drinks.

    6. Fruits though healthy have sugars in them.  It is not healthy to have too many fruits in any given day.  Substitute with vegetables (yes.. I know..)

    7. Use books or canned goods as weights and do various arm and chest exercises while holding them.

    Most importantly, SEE A DOCTOR before continuing.  They can check for diabetes and other issues that you may have.  They will guide you on an ideal weight.  You need to have your blocked pressure and other vitals monitored.

    Don't try to be someone else's idealized image.  Everyone is an individual.

    Now call a DOCTOR.

    *Edit- Waif thin? Skeletons are NOT ATTRACTIVE! I am concerned about your mental image of yourself. Not only do you need to go to a Doctor for a check up and to determine your ideal weight range, you need to see a psychiatrist to work on your mental image of yourself. Anorexia is an eating disorder that if not controlled immediately can lead to death.  I believe it is better to be alive.

    I am worried about you!

  6. you're perfect considering your height. do you really want to look like an anorexic freak? but muscle will make you gain weight.

  7. Eat what your eating... just STOP EATING MEAT! its gross, and even though some say its unhealthy to stop, it will really give you a really nice body. eat lots and lots of vegatable, lots and lots of fruit, lots and lots of nuts and peanut butter [ex, substitute turkey sandwich for peanut butter sandwich]. substitute chicken for a nice big salad with lots of carrots, a very light dressing, etc.

    this is what i eat, and i have never felt better, have way more energy, and just way happier. i also lost alot of weight [i used to be 160 pounds, and im 14, 6"2'.] i never appeared to be fat at all, everybody considered me to be really skinny, but i always just used to have a little bit of gross hanging off fat.

    so yeah. no meat. more vegatables.

  8. from what knowledgeable people in nutrition tell more diet soda. replace it with water flavored with a splash of fresh orange, lemon or lime.

    treadmill running will hurt your joints. run on a track or grass or soft dirt if you can. plus, it will boost up your calorie burning than on a treadmill by a little.

    add more cardio. like jumping rope or jumping jacks.

    don't let yourself become obsessed with this. obsession is hard to stop and it becomes miserable. all you need is a few minor tweaks:)

  9. You seem to have great diet and exercise habits already.  At this point if you've lost most of your fat weight and just want to tighten a few areas it's more important to watch the mirror than the scale.  The scale can be misleading as you're probably gaining some muscle weight now.  At a certain point a mirror, measuring tape and how you clothes fit are much more important than the scale.  If your pants keep getting looser, and you look and feel better why watch the scale.

  10. You need to up your cardio. Try doing 30-45 minutes of cardio rather than 20.

    Your body has plateaued(gotten used to what you are doing and stopped improving), and now you need to make your workouts more intense.

    Go here to find tons of fitness tips and search for workouts by body part. There are lots of them without weights.

    Your diet is great, except for the diet coke.

    Step up your workouts and you should see results.

  11. Live a little. You have 10 more years to grow  into the physique you'll have for the rest of your life.

  12. well just go below

  13. drink water. a lotttttt.

    and you need to exercise.

    go to the track and run a few miles.

    join your school's track team.

    stay away from soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    even if it is diet. don't drink it!

    water will help your skin stay healthy and your body.

    watch what you eat. but thats not really the big thing.

    you can eat whatever you want if you exercise enough.

    your young anyway, go have fun and stop worrying! =)

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