
Loss of appetite need help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm an athlete and I train daily. I usually consume 2400-3000 calories a day depending on the amount of activity. Ever since I started school on monday I've lost my appetite and now I only eat 1500 if that. I haven't cut back on my activity and I'm starting to feel really drained. I was wondering what could cause that? (I've already drop a notch on my belt since then).




  1. School tends to suppress my hunger too, I've been skipping lunches now, and because of my braces, find it hard to eat. :[

    What are your favorite foods to eat?  Is it because of school that you lost your appetite? Would you know why? [eg, cafeteria food grosses you out]

  2. mabe the stress of school is what caused your loss of appetite. i get that some times.

    by the way, check your email and write me back :)

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