
Loss of appetite?

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I've been running for about 6 weeks and have been increasing my weekly distance from about 13 to about 20 miles a week and love it. In the past couple weeks (which have also been hotter, of course - I live in Michigan), I've noticed my appetite has decreased a lot. I'm drinking water a lot more since I'm running more, but other than that I can't think of a reason. You'd think my body which needs more calories is craving more food, but that's not the case. I just sit down for a meal, and where I'd usually eat a certain amount, I am full after half.

I should also mention I'm 28, healthy, 6'2" and a 160 pound male. Some would say I'm underweight, I suppose. My energy level is also up since starting to run.

Any ideas?




  1. Very strange. Most people eat like horses after working out.

  2. i just asked pretty much the same question yesterday because the same thing has been happening to me.

    reasons i came up with:

    -drinking more water. like you said but a lot of the time when you think you are hungry you are acctually thirsty. i dont know why but it is true. and water is a natural appetite suppressant.

    -also yes you burn energy when you run but if you are like me you gain a lot of energy too. so your body needs less calories because your running has given you a second source of energy.

    - and you are probably eating less junk food and more healthy foods right? .

    yeah i had the same thing happen and im perfectly healthy. just make a conscious effort to eat enough to fuel you. (and continue with the water)

    happy running!

  3. any form of excersice like running its an apotite supressesnt
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