
Loss of my Pie…. what can I do?

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The other day whilst fishing with hand grenades at the local trout farm I felt a little peckish so plundered into a packed lunch kindly made for my by Mrs Baggins(92) the cook, as one was about to consume the fetchings of a pie that had been freshly cooked one unfortunately dropped it into the water, the problem is that a few seconds later all the fish rose to the top and they are all dead ?

Can any one tell me what on earth the water company is going to do about it?

What do they put in the water now days and should I demand compensation for the loss of my pie?

Can any one advise me?




  1. Perhaps the pie recipe should not include a hand grenade.  I suggest you sue the fish, for loss of water.

    I hope that answers your question, if not, then another one.

    p.s. Lady McFud's pie sounds rather tempting.

  2. Are you sure Mrs Baggins isn't trying to poison you old chap?  Either that or the senile old bat mistook the rat killer for oxo cubes again.  I suggest you pop round and tuck into my pie old chap.

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