
Loss prevention?

by  |  earlier

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my cousin got caught shop lifting at an amusement park they took all her info and said she has to pay money no cops were called. this is her second time the first was at her job in rite aid she was allowing employees to use discounts on sale items but loss prevention called it stealing and pinned it on her. do they combine and make her look likea big time crook?does this go on her record? what if she goes for employment and they perform a backround check does it appear? what bout her credit report? if no to all than why do they need her info?




  1. Well if the cops were not call in either case she has nothing to worry about. The only way something will go on your record is if you are convicted in a court of law not at an amusement park. Stores take down your information for their record. If your cousin was to get caught again at the same place they will have a record of it and can build a case according to the total amount taken and the time(s) of recurrences. Crimes don't go on your credit report and even if you get fired from a job they cannot disclose that you were fired just info that your worked there and if your rehire-able. I would not sweat it all those things sound petty and if the cops were not involved nothing can go on your record. What is questionable to me is that if you have to pay money for the things you took they cant call it shoplifting (make sure to get receipts) it paying for the merchandise which I hope your cousin got to keep since she's paying for it.

  2. i dunno cause a girl i know stole things from walmart (bread, milk & movies) & they took a copy of her driver license, told her she had to pay for the items & no cops were called. They told her she couldnt go there anymore; and she goes all the time.
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