
Lost 4 Television Channels Today to Digital Cable?

by  |  earlier

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I have WOW! Basic Cable, and I have had it for about five or six years. I get about 90 working channels and a few that come in and out regularly. So, today I was flipping through and I found that four of my channels had been moved to digital cable. I am wondering if I am going to continue to lose channels and if I will need to upgrade to Digital, because I thought if you have cable, then you don't need to upgrade?






  1. in june, about 8-10 channels got moved to digital. That means that you can get those channels if you have a cable box(IO,Verizon Fios, Comcast,ECT.)

  2. you gotta get digital. by law their changing it all to digital :[

    it sucks

  3. Call the cable company.  You will most likely have to upgrade and I'm sure it's at a price :0(

  4. You pay for basic right?

    The companies are geting nasty this year.

    Unless you have a high def craving to satisfy

    I've actually begun predicting a little at this point

    that in february if you buy a 40$ box for yourself you are going to end up paying $0.00 to the cable for around 50 or more of your basic 90

    (If you're watching a show and it's interrupted by a commercial, the cable company doesn't own it right? Your company is charging you around 30$ I'm guessing or more just to watch commercials.)

    In february, (no one is telling you), but the 8 channels that will fit over the air free will suddenly become space for over 50 channels free over the air.

    fox msnbc history, food, scifi, amc, discovery, a&e, cnbc, a few sports chnls, and everything else with commercials about every 12-16 minutes.

    Can you say "FREE" ?

    Can you say "goodbye cable company"

    (what have you done for me lately- besides annoy every standard-viewer I know)

    I could be wrong.

    But I'm trying to figure this out.

    And someone is not saying something.

    Cable is the only business that is getting away with charging many customers more money while at the same time providing less of what they were getting.

    No other company in America gets away with doing that to its customers. Even the bad companies still don't get away with THAT.

  5. Maybe its just gone or a little bit like something happened to your cable

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