
Lost Keys...Help! What is the best way to find my keys - I lost by my car &/or apt. within my huge apt cmplx

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What is the best way to find keys I lost in my large apartment complex, where there is no official "lost and found" & little is known of constantly moving neighbors...these are "important" keys & I've searched!!!




  1. tell the person who runs the place to tell everyone if they find keys give them to him and he will give them 2 u

  2. Post fliers in the complex and put up a reward!

  3. Talk to the landlord and get your locks changed, also ask for a new key.

  4. asdf

  5. If the neighborhood is that bad I would not waste the time and find them or post flyer's or even ask the neighbors, I would get the locks changed NOW, it will cost you but you will be better off in the long run.

  6. they will be in the last place you look. you need to figure out where this place is and look there first rather than last;

  7. i keep a spare set of work/house/car keys in a protected part of my hand bag

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