
Lost Turkeys?

by  |  earlier

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Today I saw a big turkey with about ten small ones. So I grabbed my camera and when after them. All of the small ones spread out, Now I feel bad now because they lost the big one and might not find the big one. So do you think the small ones will survive and find the big one or did I s***w them over?




  1. That was most likely the mother turkey with her chicks.  She got scared, but she'll settle down and gather her chicks again.  Hopefully, none of them are killed by predators in the meantime.  Chances are, it'll no biggie.

  2. from what i know on turkeys . . . you probly scared the bigger one, so its hidding. once it feels that its safe, and the smallers one will call for the bigger one. So she should come back to them.
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