
Lost about becoming a pharmacist what do i do?

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im going to a community college starting on the 25 and as of now my major is undecided are there any good 4 year pharmacy schools i can get into ? im nervous because the pre pharm requirements at the CC havent matched those of the 4 year school's requirements that i have seen thus far.




  1. You probably understand already that entering pharmacy school is going to be a very tough competition. If you have any chance at all of getting in, you have to take the right courses and do exceptionally well in all of them.

    There is a lot of mis-information about pharmacy going around on Yahoo so you should go directly to the source. The AACP is the official national organization that coordinates information about accredited colleges of pharmacy in the USA. You should read their website from top to bottom to get info about all aspects of pharmacy. They have a list of all the accredited schools and links to them so that you can read the school websites and get the exact requirements for every school you are interested in.

    This is a challenging ambition you have set for yourself. Good luck.

  2. Pharmacy schools are five years.  Many colleges do not accept credits from community colleges.

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