
Lost baby and had emergency surgery?

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I lost my baby on Tuesday but the baby did not pass naturally and I began to have high fevers.

Well I was rushed to the hospital and then rushed again to another hospital. They said it looked as though it was septis in my uterus.

Yesterday I had emergency surgery and they said that it went well. I haven't had high fevers since. There was an infection inside my uterus and they had to go in and clean it all out. Well while at the hospital I had a million needles in my arms including those huge IVs. I also had the breathing tube down my throat during surgery.

Funny uterus is not bleeding and I feel pretty good in that region except emotionally of course.

I've never had surgery before today. I'm 33. I was so afraid. Well today I am so weak and my arms hurt and neck hurts more than the place they operated. It's hard to chew food and I think it's because of that huge thing they put down my throat to help me breathe during surgery. Is there a way to relieve the arm pain from being pricked so many times and my neck hurts so bad from the breathing tube? Any ideas?

I don't want to take the oxycodone if I don't have to. Is it normal to feel so sore?




  1. I am allergic to PVC which is what they make ET tube out of because of latex allergies.

    First I got a sore throat and then after 2 day it swelled real bad , then a bad headache. I though it was strep, but when I got to the ER and passed out, I found that it was an allergic reaction.

    Steroids and antibiotics did the trick.

    Like I said, the tubes contain PVC, you could be allergic to it too.

    Get checked out. It took 2 days before I was real bad and my airway shut. It was very scary and I almost got to the hospital too late. I was back to normal within hours.

  2. Hi,

    I am so sorry about the loss of your baby.  I am glad your ok, but I know how hard that is.  They scrap the lining of the uterus away so some people only having spotting and cramping afterwards.  I would start with tyenol and if that is not enough then I would call the doctor and ask for something not as strong.

  3. I wanted to say sorry about your lost of your child. It must be so hard. I keep you in my prayers. Take some Tylenol or motrin. And try to eat soft foods for while has well. Ice cream and jello would be good.

  4. Yes, the tube down your throat can cause pain.  Drink lots of ice water to help with irratation.  Take the oxycodone at night to help you sleep.  You won't get hooked, but it will help you sleep and help with pain.  Ice packs on your arms to help pain could help to.  

  5. I am so sorry for your lost as well. I hope you were able to see your baby. I lost my little girl at 19 weeks and I was able to get pictures etc.. I would call the doctor back and ask for something else like lortabs.. they are not as strong as the oxy. and just remember to eat before you take before you take those kinds of meds it can make you sick on a empty belly...

    I wish you the best...

  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby. I lost a baby and had a D&C as well and it was devastating.

    Take the oxycodone, it works wonders. Just be prepared to be a little sleepy, that's all. There's a reason the doctor prescribed it. You shouldn't be in pain if you don't need to be.

  7. Ohh gosh, my heart goes out to you.  It is such a hard thing to over come, a loss of a baby.

    I would take some IB Prophine or some Aleve.  One other thing you can try to do is put a hot wash cloth over the puncture sites to help relieve some of that pain.

    You can also try drinking some milk to see if that will help coat your throat at all.

    It is absolutly normal for your body to be feeling the toll you have been through the past few weeks.  Be sure to take it easy and rest.

    Again, I am so terribly sorry for your loss!

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